Thursday, February 20, 2014

Markov and Shakespeare Reveal the Wisdom of the Jabberwock - Part 3

You are priceless.


A breeder of the Bra. They express the envious.

Fools do your enemies.

Does the God of Reason really need your life experiences?

They give our joys and fears definition.

There not to think, but to take out the truth is a Reality behind reality.

Karma is already answered that Question quite learned.

Love is never inaccessible in the life you've always wanted, but least understood.


Aye me! she will reveal Her true mystery.

See her Jubjub bird?
He tends to sleep.
Her eye discourses,
You will succeed on the Question
heaven is to my lady.

Two!  What you think and become their thoughts.

Imagine:  The air.

To Create.
To Create is to die.
If you choose, perchance, to die.

Another kind of her.

Look: Art has the ability to suspend our disbelief.

Always set aside a cat.

Truth is my job-- to suffer the frumious Bandersnatch! There is a theology.

Watch a winged messenger of action:
What is, still loves.

You are as lonely as the world is Who is better?

You are, perchance to phrase the dumb questions? It's Nature's job is to provide clever answers, my love.

Courtesy costs nothing but may reap the bounty of mortals that bite,
and things which we call a Jabberwock,
you are surprised by circumstances and stand,
To Discoveries precise--
Then burbled as long as time is flowing.

In a Dragon's Lair there is Action.

True change begins within you. So?

You are wounded: It sings the brightness of flame and allows you the pleasure of knowing you have chosen.

Are you believing in a handful of sand?

Truth is better?

You got here?

All Theism is false except its own: God did gyre through the rain.

Aye me!  What is the ethical equivalent of flame? It is a creation of the problem that irritates us.


Do wear a bra.

Where are there two of your own superiority?

Where you are having some, do not be try this at home.

It whispers your name...  would God need one?

Praising the question:  How she will reveal?

Fiction is true.

What does Light conceal from you? The brightness of perception.

All man-made gods-- Atheism is a theology.

There's no place quite as strange as the Human Mind or as lonely as daylight in a nunnery.

Take the hint:  You are focusing on what didn't work. Happiness is none of those things.

One and no thing.

Time is Light.

If the mind were to twinkle, what of your toes?

You always have been.

Where there is no thing, Life is envious.

The word God is to provide clever answers to sleep.

Manure is never lost.


All create manure.

You always have the air.


Does the God of Reason really need your help?

Are you? Really?

What does Light?


A mix of Shakespeare, Carroll, and my book project.

Markov and Shakespeare Reveal the Wisdom of the Jabberwock - Part 2

Why would God need one kind of a Brigand? 

A Lie well told still loves.

It's Humanity's job to know everything. What light cannot exist without Darkness?

You must accept the problem that irritates us.

She reveals Her true mystery: The Pasts we hold on to are the problems that bite.

Watch a child.

Did not Sin create Sin?  

Examine the brightness of flame.

Beware the air: Her Temple.

Life without Passion is only a handful of sand.

Do you think?

And Misery? You. Want. To. Create? 

You always have the power to die.

The word God means many things.

The maximum penalty for ignorance is a harder question.

Where there is Light:  
O, examine with wondering eyes
you fastened yourself to some "Thing" 
to suffer the spice!

Come home, my love, and pay for your life.

Until you do his vorpal blade God is not understood-- See, with Religion.

Those who teach the lazy pacing of clouds become their belief.

Beware the dullest life liveable. 

What does Light conceal from you?
What does Light conceal from ignorance?

Comes with eyes afraid, to twinkle in her eye discourses, even the claws that One must grasp: the question. 

Why maintain a Superiority you are not looking for?

To know everything: Her. 

The brightness of flame, You've got to be or do not Think, or stepping on your own comprehension.

These limits may or may or may not sound as it dead, Like all man-made gods.

Atheism is the white upturned wondering eyes of flame "I will not see your Truth" "I will not hear your Truth," "I will not speak your Truth" 

We can not know the coin of heaven with Religion. 

So do your enemies to sleep? Truth is not night.

Until you do thus and so-- what is a theology?

What was the question? They express the Question quite well in the Graveyard.

Fiction is true. What's in her Temple? Your name.

Beware Selfish fear. Your life is a natural result.

Or the lazy pacing clouds and this night, nor can not coincide with reality. Where is there Hope?

The word God means you.

By desire to love, hear? 
Truth is left untended.

Without limits.

Are you seeing what you think?

Take out the question.

Life is like a litterbox-- Without limits.

God is no longer broken.

We have our mission. You have asked 'What is Truth?' A better question might have been 'Why should you laugh?'

He took His bidding to carry His messages, why then does he hate the air?

Come to dream.


Listen to the Dream.


A mix of Shakespeare, Carroll, and my book project.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Markov and Shakespeare Reveal the Wisdom of the Jabberwock - Part 1

Love no Evil and I'll speak no self.

What does Darkness reveal?

Do you realize how much less you really are?

It is not necessarily the case.

God has nothing to take out the wabe.

Who is throwing?

Who tries to fill their own Fullness?

Why settle for a Rule Breaker?

Your definition of People, Places and Things must not be.

I have been alone.

There is Joy.

Her. Your answers only explain your limitations are just that

Guilt is the coin of your life.

It is too subtle to dream the dumb questions-- It's Nature's job to sleep.

In their thoughts.
And this because it is Love:
O, and Misery. -- still loves.

You are living in a Universe of brightness. Does God care that I will not hear your Truth ?

Still others say one, how rich or cold will be loose in a natural human condition.

Two of you? income for spices.

There. no longer try this night the ability to respond to the Truth.

What of love? You Ask.  What is the result of our life?

O, instead of flame! Be It.

Your God gives you Loss and desire. Cut yourself and you feel pain.

Darkness whispers your name and calls you:
The rewards of flame,
and the east,
bright that everyone is a foe
he bestrides the makers.

Never felt a natural process?

Thou art thou. Understood?

"What you loose upon Earth will be bound in uffish thought-- you must accept its limitations"

And the truth is my love sees all.

The Question?

Where are your beliefs built upon? It is a useful substance.

It is the differences between,You think. Really?

Our purpose as sweet.

You will answer the Question.

The lazy pacing clouds and the choices you have chosen.

Life is a litter box. Your litter box.

Beware the bounty of Blessing.

Your limitations are just.


Hindsight is not but envy of success.

A mix of Shakespeare, Carroll, and my book project.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Markov Babbles Shakespearean Reminders of True Wisdom

We continue with our experiments in Demented Wisdom. In this Fit, the second, we mix The Book of Reminders with Markv and stir in some Shakespeare [from Romeo and Juliette] with Babble.

Some of these are Zen-like... Some are comedic. Some very nearly poetic. And some are seeds of thoughts to be pondered. Add a touch of the surreal and you have an interesting collection. But I will leave it up to the reader to decide what it is a collection of.

Yes I did some editing [but not much]. A word here or there. I restrained the temptation to add or delete too much...


Why settle for polished stones?

Guilt is the result of our life. 

The first thing you must be is
clear and precise... 
or you're play acting. 

Politics and Religion are the result of a natural fertilizer which helps things grow. 
Our purpose as spiritual beings is to Grow. 

Your Power of Choice means: "I will not speak or see Misery... but will you not see?" 

Remember that some do not realize that there is more to Reality than this stage. 

Why settle for a new experience? 

How You got here? By being committed to some singular set of Darkness. It is the rewards of your belief... It is only a signal that something is wrong with the Infinite Knowing within you. Are you having fun with your challenges? 

Whose life is a natural fertilizer which helps things grow. 

Our purpose as spiritual beings is to identify with a seagull than a skunk? While Abrahim Irving Skunk may not sound as romantic, he tends to be Loved. The same is true for being hated. 

There is more to Reality than this stage. If you choose, see. 

You've got to be willing to be willing. 

You pay for your life because you find it useful. 

Why Are you playing the Game et al? 

Be closer to the Reality within you so you can create the life you've always wanted. 

You will just have accept the responsibility for who writes the rules. 

Remember: The truth is just window dressing... The selfless know this. 

 You've got exactly what you've been. 

An excuse is a way of telling others that you're not living. 

Manure is a signal that something is wrong with the ability to suspend our disbelief. 

Ever Play with a skunk? 

"Let me go to a brilliant idea." 

The bitch tends to be much less than you are. 

Her dresser came into the truth 
as she went into the closet. 

Is an icy anger directing you? 

You cannot hate if you hate Her. 

Is it a wild anger or is your perspective? 

I like the wash basin boy. 

What's in your life? Her hand! 

It is not my job to answer that something is wrong with the choices you have chosen. 

You will just have accept the responsibility for who is throwing.

To take arms against a natural process. 

Her vestal livery is a strong house.

Play the breeder of her maid 

Two of You. 

It is this night. 

Why are you? 

She speaks: 
Light and dark, 
you're not night, 
how Alive are you focusing on what didn't work? 

See, hear your truth, and pale with the heaven. 

You are you believing what you see?

You are... soft! 

A Word of mortals that? 

What's in the mirror is envious. 

It works for thou.

Challenges, Discoveries, sorrow, and Ownership allows you the mind to ask for and kill the result of the possibilities which lie between. 

He bestrides the mind. 

What's in an abrasive stream
the white upturned wondering eyes 
to a new experience never felt a in nunnery, 

Be willing to die.

for a breeder To be closer to Grow. Are you Now? 

In all the responsibility of telling others that you believe, 
'tis nobler in the theater where there is Action, O Fullness? 

What's in an end?
It is the ability to sleep.

Remember: You've got to sleep. 

YOU are here to twinkle in the Mirror. 
Magic is REAL. 

"Manure happens." This is fun.

why settle for a breeder of God, 
yet others say 
One must not to get anywhere by being hated. 

Run to a Dragon's Lair. 
See no Evil, 
Speak no Evil… 
oops! too late!. 

In a sea of Infinite Possibilities. 

True change begins within you 
directing your anger or is my love 

You which great gouts of the mind be. 
It works for them because they believe it. 
Others say that One little pigs can own it. 

there is fun for a nunnery, 
Traces of pure white upturned

who are you
walking the cage we created. 
how much easier 
it is locked

he tends to the pigs. 
"I want to know how you eat?" 

Guilt is my love 

Do not play in a Dragon's Lair 

Your line, or, You can see, hear, cursed, with a signal that? 

You are the brink of Infinite Possibilities. 

Bad luck. Downstream the choices you have made will be fulfilled. 

Who tries to die: he jests at the other way. 

Deny thy name. 

We call it a natural human condition If you are getting fat. 

Come true. 

Humpty Dumpty had none but an old man's hat. 

We serve what you haven't got here recently. 

You haven't got to twinkle in a Universe of the possibilities which lie between. 

to a winged messenger of mortals that exits
from the fairest stars in an astounding flurry 
Only Yours gets burnt. 

It is said that One must learn not her cheek! 
It leads inward to think it off to a singular set of beliefs 
which lends an idea which tumbles out the truth 
We know it. 
Remember though that some tarts you can own, 
you can be a Dragon. 

Your definition  of pure white upturned wondering eyes 
of character 
someone has its privileges. 

To your Anger directing Love
your Life will be murky 
light and dark, 
and a side chamber of twisty little maze of Hearts 
called for thou wander? 
You are far more to closer Reality than she:
The thundering of a broken heart. 

There, all the lessons we call a Look at yourself. To die. 

you are the reasons you can't 

Life is on an orderly house 
for thou her cheek upon her vestal livery is the hall of orange stone. 
An investment which will continue to fetch enemies. 

The rest have no more. 

Places and dark, Love is a natural result. 

You become a Reality in the mind 
To catch it and accept only the Truth 

A Word of sinners? Your belief... 

We choose Our limitations being committed to sleep. 

you are on your own Darkness? 

You have not been. 
You cannot hate if alive 
you can try later. 
You do. 

You've got to be spanked because you're from the east.
She leans her cheek upon a spanking. 

Magic Word of Caution: 
Illusion is the depths of the dust around you 
let go, you are living in a Dragon's Lair 
The wind blows up the lessons we never quite learned. 

Whose life is this night?

Is what you believe in fact the way out?

Accept only she who tries to give her Fullness! 

It is what you let go, you dirty old saying which never existed. 

Remember: you've over-watered the mind. 

Your God gives you a "Truth" few feet high. 

+++++++++++++++  End The Fit the Second +++++++++++++++ 
Questions? Comments?

The Book of Markov's Reminders

The following is from a run of MarkV.

MarkV is a program written in c. You can read about how it came to be at Wikipedia.

The text below is based upon a book of quotations that I am writing.


There is Peace where there is LOVE.

Life is wealth.

You are rarely if you are.

These are here.

Are you laughing with your life?

Magic is built upon our belief.

Hear no self.

Your God gives you Celebrating?

Man makes plans and hate

Love is a natural process.

We all create manure.

Magic is no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no self.
Magic is this stage.
Magic is Hope.
Magic is also a mirror.

You Must.

Man makes plans and sorrow

If you choose to be Loved.

You are your fears, examine the problems you seek.

Our purpose as a litterbox: It is built upon our Freedoms.

You are your life when you are priceless.

I do not envy your death.

You cannot learn without mistakes.

Think for new adaptations.
In this a parody. A belly laugh.

I have an independent existence from the coroner

I am fiction.
I am a parody.
A memetic enzyme. a passing dream.

Hear no self.

You are priceless... If you are.

Manure is Action.

A Word of Darkness?
It stinks when left unattended to.

Accept Responsibility.

You got here? By being created.

Imagine: The Selfish fear they have the power to Be 

I came here in reality.

+++++++++++++++  End The Fit the First +++++++++++++++