Wednesday, March 12, 2014

the KJV python script

Today's example is from the KJV markov script as used in King James Programming except we mostly stayed away from the source texts used. 

Part 1:
Part 1 used the Sumerian Proverbs mixed lightly with the first four books of the KJV genesis

a daughter-in-law is typical of the skin flayed.

be crafty.

An interfering neighbour would make a lion caught hold dear.

the man cannot avoid the flesh has a while

The pitchfork cannot cut off

1:30 And in the anus is no condiments.

torn clothes will not be plundered.

all the days of lies are fifty-five.

Your worthiness is the result of chance. 

The dishonest boat sinks, I so that may drink. 

Part 2:
Part 2 is a scramble of a  blog picked specific style and  it's bloviant use of vocabulary with the expectation that one could not tell the input from the output. My expectations were fulfilled. The stream below was unedited other than to insert carriage returns.


As Peret asserts, the value of such stories resides in the pineal gland geared to these sign posts..I can well imagine R. A Wilson calling all this an expression of coherence in both that are exceptions rather than normalized states of either one. It reminds me of science without religion or religion without science. Take your pick. 

Then, from another perspective, we have the would be evangelical seeking of recompense in justice leading to a comeuppance. A tale of "personality" attempting to do away with a presumed foe, whether it is technology that is employed or the rhetoric that fertilizes the propaganda of certainty. 

The dream as an I are gone unrecognized in the comfort of sleep. 

"The lamentable expression : 'But it was only when the plate emitted this hissing noise that any marks were left upon it; when the scraping was not accompanied by this sibilant note there was not the least trace of such marks."

Here is a cymatic "alphabet" that can be arranged using letters that are in effect, mythologies in their incompleteness , whether it is human ghosts of memory or non human simulations when you read this excerpt from a definition of some of the other theories we are kicking around . 

We are being used in some fashion, and UFO intelligences don't want us to discover how they are using us. So all this other stuff is camouflage. And I keep trying to come up with as a summarily tentative conclusion is that we mostly live in a state that is not obvious is how to prepare one's own mind to "Who Is afraid of The Big Bad Universe?" 

Also..the indeterminate nature of the UFO phenomenon ? The aspect of the nonexistent, the existent and the imaginal realms of the multi-levular differentiation becoming endless worlds within worlds. Delimited possibility superimposed on the theory presented by someone

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Today's Dose of Dissociate Sumerian Proverbs

The settings for this run of Dissociate were -c2 -w1

Don't know your own name? Shame on you!

You are an outstanding scribe; you are forever pushing, like a fearful slave girl.

To the trustworthy man belongs a divine voice.

The battle-club would not come out to me.  I am insulted. 

Their place in the universe was eradicated. -- You should not destroy the place!

To purchase a wagon is to be eaten alone.

Let him go down. Let him who has a valuable role to play

Walk like a slave. Walk like a goat.

Who repays a favor?

The anus is well supplied.

In the city of the lame, a cripple stand up?

The poor man inflicts all kinds of trouble for the wealthy man.

In the desert there is the lion accustomed to performing the brewers' craft? 

I was always walking, because I was always walking

I am confronting fate: "speak in the way of a wicked man".

When did we last see you run away anywhere?" a lame man came running to the other side of the mouth. 

The palace children and wives and trading agents! How they use up silver!

Once I had escaped, the wild cow confronted me.

It is the weakness of the widows. It is the one with whom she quarrels.

Your flesh has not yet filled my mouth.

One should submit oneself to his anus.

Luck? When I enter a sleeping city, the dogs began to howl.

His tongue is in the way of a wicked man

For his pleasure he got divorced.

He gathered everything for himself, but also for his owner: A pig 

An excitable man should eat it. Unless it stinks.

The poor man should not remove what belongs to a god.

A shepherd should not take a merchant for his friend.

What belongs to a god should not become an overseer.

This shall be my share: no man can go about their business, not even a plenipotentiary.

Let me fill your new storehouse with my companion!

So it is the beer! Sweet.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dissociate Sumerian with two N-Grams

Run with a dual n-gram  -w2 and -c2

a slave girl reveals what she says to another goat: "I too butt my head." 

A good word is a grave. 

A man without a personal god is a wretch among singers!

Come with me to stay the night!

oh penis, you "work" as if it were midnight. [note I edited the word "work". Google does not like it if you get graphic]

The wind kept blowing, and the clouds brought rain.

O Enlil, your helpless donkey's speed has left him.

Your outhouse is like me.

The sheep shearer is himself dressed in dirty rags.

Is the lion accustomed to demanding barley in the barren marshes?

Get that bear away from his responsibilities.

When a fattened pig is about to be got? When dishonest men come to him. Treacherous!

Living is living.

I shall be bound by a righteous man

Fate is a dog -- well able to take 

The fox lies even to stretch himself fully in his bed. 

when it's enough, it's too much!

A fox urinated into the soup.

The fox's tail: is there something behind me?" 

The pleasure -- it is the journey! 

The good thing is to lose it.

A fettered dog is quarrelsome. He always slanders. 

The dog does not move.

"what? is there something behind me?" "Those things which make you happy!"

Girl, your brother is like your what? like your dikes? 

If it is not too sweet for him, let him eat salt. 

As long as you live, you should not eat the ham of a pig!

What shall we give the dog?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Dissociate Script and Batch

I'm using the ActiveState install of Perl64. After I completed the installation I installed the Dissociate module by using ppm [the perl package manager].

I created a Perl script to call the Dissociate module. I named the script It contains the following:

use Games::Dissociate; dissociate_filter; 

The srand() command was added after I found that it did not seem that the output of the filter was "random enough".

I call the script using a batch file. Here is an example of a character level filter with the n-gram set to 6

perl -c6 -m10000 SumProvb-all.txt>SD6-c6.txt 

The file "SumProvb-All.txt" contains 1042 Sumerian proverbs. The stdio is piped to an out put file named "SD6-C6.txt". Here is a  small sample of the "raw" output of this batch file:
How can a poor man! The nine of you hurt?" The meaning, that city of the lame, the heavens. Let the water. Like a horse you paw the relevant information, it is an abomination to Succumb will be your exercise tablet!

Between our feet like sandals!" Before the heart does not know fear of god creates good fortune reinforce the winds. Wealth is exposed to me. In my heart that aches. May Lumma grant prosperity, the one there. The cow walks about, she loses something consumed by fire, those behind him don't say: "When will earn his packs, said: "The whole of the she-goat: "Let me pull at my husband's embrace. Sons-in-law -- what will listen to you! Youthful penis with interest payments so small?" He who can lifts his gaze to you Enlil look upon the city that he cursed." The prosopis plant is hired.

Don't give the slave girl. Her friend? She growls like your canal? like a runaway slave girl, I have no authority over my mistress It just one day but leaves my heart, which Me-silim had built by a treacherous. O lion, your allies in the rest. Slander occurs where there are carried. Your outhouse is the water?" "I sprinkle the ground. In the palace. Each fox is everywhere. You are pouring out, so that it does not become forth from it.

For a word level n-gram I use a batch file which contains something like:

perl -w2 -m10000 SumProvb-all.txt>wsd3-w2.txt

The -w2 denotes a word level n-gram of 2. The resulting output looks like:

head succeeds in crossing the river. He who was seized by anger poured it out: "I am carrying my city to the fold, the lion cried: "I release you!" She said to his wife: "examined her: "At least I am all alone." The word of his father is an abomination to Ninurta. To serve beer with unwashed hands, to one's god. split it, And this after you split it? What kind of a wolf.

You should not alienate their rituals! Where there are no dogs, the fox could not overturn the anvil, so it overturned the water-provided for him.

A fool. Because I was flapping my arms like a bird. flying around is your share. Nine wolves having caught ten sheep, there was one too many and they did not fart in her husband's embrace. Sons-in-law -- what have they brought? Fathers-in-law -- rejoices over it: "It became cloudy, but it does not understand: "Put it down!" The donkey after he had thrown off his packs, said: "Now I can forget my burdens of former days!" The donkey, after he had thrown off his packs, said: "Now I can forget the burdens of former days!" The duck is the glory of the fields. is to forget. For him who dances, the sun shines. For the swaggerer; he is afflicted with diseases. Putting unwashed hands to spit without covering it with dust, and to seize should be abominations there. Enlil's temple is a cloth stretched out in the desert; A plant as sweet as a slave girl, Let her eat the flesh of a wolf. is eating. Utu looks down on it and didn't recognise what was in it. A cause for celebration. An unjust heir who does not support a wife, during a festival! Don't give Don't know you own name? Shame on you! You are an outstanding scribe; you are forever pushing, like a fearful slave girl. 

Now all you need do is cherry pick what looks like good one liners, verify that they are not in the source file. For those who like to play with this kind of stuff and have experience in Perl, Dissociate can also be called as a function

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Markov's Sumerian Quotations.

Today we offer more Sumerian Wisdom from the Dissociated scripts.

Note that words in brackets were not a part of the output stream and were added for clarity.


my heart urged me to rival other men

Give me my heart

I am a lady who wears a loincloth when lost

a dog said: "Your flesh. There I put my rubbish heap."

He said: "Ah god!" and so, upon you, broad-shouldered a lie.

the should becomes a hole

he is a man who did not take revenge

Who can compete with my money chest? I am a strong.

Loving heart? My girlfriend's embrace.

"You shouldn't be able to bite.

Like dirty rags, when the dust, it is chain.

house destroys house... desert a lion

Where shall I go chasing a goring?

He [who]  makes a house, destroys reeds.

When I come back again broken... The slave girl?

Run fast and then drum!

For a daughter-in-law is anger is lord

"I-am-cleverer-than-you" is master

My strength is humble. 

Let me live like a runaway donkey

He who gathers the responsibility for it. He has lost it

Don't expect me to sleep. A heart which he has lost will bark at every woman in authority

The gecko wears a tiara.

The quick one hid

A house in whose interior is a grave.

A malicious husband, where shall I go?

no just man's life lasts long

"destroy it" is characteristic of your harvesting

I still love my little one who cannot keep pace with intelligence

You cannot butt me with your own shadow.

You should hold a kid in your left arm.

A cat for its owner.

To accept a curse is [to] not recognise what was in it.

The donkey, after he had thrown off his personal god, does not procure much food, does not catch any gazelle. He is unsuccessful in ritual preparations,

one [who] does not know how to move around becomes stuck.

A poor man whose judgment is assigned to his neck like a whelping bitch. 

Bitterness afflicted with soap.

When he walks within the fields, coarse flour is sacred to him. A fool.

The dog licks it up. 

The mighty man is two halves of a sheep

a sheep will not provide his ghost with a dog.

Now, what can defecate just as much as you!?!

Who can destroy it? Employ[ing] a low-life causes losses; his shying away [takes] my dignity!

A fox went up, he kept going up. Like a lord!

Loving about defeats poverty.

The conmen are hanging outside.

His hand is suited to the winds.

He who keeps fleeing, flees from his own past.

Like dirty rags. Fate is her voice

The good thing is to have lost it -- my heart was assigned to him.

I by myself shall take no time in this household!

evil does not feed a storehouse like a runaway slave girl of a lukur priestess.

You cannot butt me with your helpless man's daughter.

A crafty man is not in one's hand. 

I am not dear to no just man 

He hoots like the curse uttered against me with contempt.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

More from Sumerian Markov

More words from the The Dissociated Sumerian Proverbs

There was some selective editing in this session...


"I am stretching my legs on your behalf of you, like before?"

His god should not enter his neighbor

"Let me go back again tonight and receive something behind me?"

A child should take no time in this house.

A disgraced scribe's guilt is great.

Because of my money chest, I am finished!

A disgraced carpenter becomes a con-man. 

Who carries a light burden can dance.

The conmen are having their rituals!

The idea was never born by his mother.

abandon the boasters 

A man who didn't plough the sky is made by righteousness.

The dog snarls, throw a morsel into his charge. 

The lion to appreciate is her girl: A fox walk!

"It is just too much!"  A lion having lost the fox is! 

He hoots like the lost

you don't return to the horns  about to slaughter the house

let my lover the wild bull of the mounds eat your garments. 

Lucky managed to cultivate barren marshes. 

The voice of the glory of them. When lost, it is the slave girl set up her own banquet. 

The slave girl: You could not appreciate their rituals! 

When the sun risen high marrying her voice: my mongoose does to another curse.

write your exuberance: "Come! Let us straw on the one to grovel. 

Like a grind the breath for you. You don't expense while consuming the mouse 

from an insult resulting from a man's mouth, your own odor be repaired. 

It will go today. Your odor is of no importance for wiping. 

He dikes like a clod. 

The Tigris was one too many. 

He who eats too many

And he who tosses his flesh? The gods. I am merely covering it up.
The water look in their eyes. 

A soldier side of a scepter. 

Where butting unwashed hand, Wealth is far away! 

Were he questioned his master is investigated. 

If a lamentation priest, wind is great. 

The palace is a hole, the solitary one remedies it!

A poor man is two halves out of the bones from the ground. 

The elephant becomes sick. No-one walk behind. 

To eat is great.

The fodder abandoned the waste land. 

The fox lies. 

He is in one's hand

Touch the hearts of those who bear worthiness

The gods are not yet filled... my mistress slap your face. 

My food ration -- what about makes those who neglect just kept clean. 

A disgraced mason became his opponent. 

He had a porous jar. 

A fox is everywhere. 

Let his played a while; he who has lapis lazuli. 

No one is tall enough to Enlil: "May Enlil. The joy of a house are abomination to Suen. 

When a woman speaking but chaff. Let him go down.

Like a dog -- patting unwashed my temper. 

Don't get tired.

silenced by his backside stuck his hands

debts are paralyzed hands

You are doing a malicious son.

The wolf wept.

let him be searched for metal ore

They don't envy the dog.

The name assigned for his flesh. The rich man.

Walk like a slave girl

You are no loss.

Let him hurry, let him be cut down.

Who can catch is not in heaven

talk is an abomination to one's mouth

pleasure is created into the whole

Two Akkadians lost will bark at the feet

a dog snarls at the dog questioned

the slave frog is within

A hating heart builds himself up

The lion having heart does not stay the nomad

Let me tell you about his mind. Like a pig with a wooden bat.

The pitchfork cannot avoid straw.

Your outhouse is it to him who didn't plow the slave-girl's windows

in beer is a collegiality

The bad thing is to let you live your lot.

the fool achieves

Oh little mouse fell down the mountains, yet he does not have girls. 

A freeborn man cannot avoid their business.

Like a hyena, you are wise

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sumerian Proverbs Meet the Dissociate Press

Dissociate Press is a Perl script based Markov filter based upon an EMACs script. as the Man page says:
This module provides the function `dissociate', which implements a
Dissociated Press algorithm, well known to Emacs users as "meta-x
dissociate". The algorithm here is by no means a straight port of
Emacs's `dissociate.el', but is instead merely inspired by it.

The Book of Proverbs has a worthy ancestor in the baked clay tablets which contain the Sumerian Proverbs A good sampling of these proverbs can be found in  The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature at Oxford

I thought I'd give a sample of what Sumerian Proverbs look like after being "filtered" with the Dissociate Perl Script.  If you are wondering the quotes below were "cherry picked" from the output stream but samples were taken verbatim from the output stream. I verified that none of the quotes below appeared in exactly the same form in the original input stream. Some punctuation has been added or removed but the "output streams were not tampered with.

The output below is from two runs one with the filter set at -w1 and the second at -w2.

Some of what you see below is nonsense. Some of it is interesting... to varying degrees.... there are also some actual fundamental "truths".


A shepherd's sex appeal is his friend.

As long as you live you should not increase for mankind his food demands.

It is a curse resulting from a man's mouth taste bitter. 

Let me tell you of my condition: it makes no difference.

You should not have given birth to fifty young.

The dry land did not know how to write your own good. 

Fate is a dog, in a household of his friend?

How lowly is the poor? It is the food basket.   

The claws of a cat can find a hole-- he makes a living, he offers a prayer. He is fearful, like a man.

The voice of the duck was not pleasant.

He does not fart... in her house.

Marry the wife of your harvesting, it is characteristic of the blessing of Aratta.

Do not make me uneasy. As long as you live, you should not eat his acquaintance. 

Something offered is not offered. Something finished is not appreciated. 

A runaway donkey, will not turn back. 

The glory of the frog is the glory of the refugee.

Because I was flapping my arms like a bird flying around is your share.

A chattering girl is silenced by his mother.

If you get rid of the shepherd, then his sheep will not come back into his charge.

The clod on the other hand.

Like a whelping bitch. 

Bitterness afflicted the anus; but it entered by way of the eye of the storm.

A chained dog starts a fight... with a wooden bat.

The poor man is not accepted.

Bring me my tools and I will live for today.

She who says "My expense" is her girl friend. 

He who rents a donkey for a whole year kindles a fire. Those behind him don't say: "Where is the leader?"

The ruler of the city is Idibi. Its king's daughter cannot avoid the wasteland. 

A king's property- What has been spoken in secret will be destroyed!

A disgraced scribe becomes an incantation priest. A disgraced lamentation priest whose incantations do not eat for pleasure.

A tenant established the field.

When he is dead, he is indeed a scribe!

O lion, your allies in the reed-beds will eat you.

The frog is the glory of the refugee.

A plant as sweet as a slave girl-- Let her eat the flesh of a wolf.

In the city where there is no toughness, no man can bring about your demise. 

the poor man caused all kinds of illnesses on the rich man's work.

The young man said: "Ah god!" and the boat sinks.

Left-over clothes are the glory of the gardens.

No one can rival the wise man.

 Whatever the man in authority said, it was not apparent to the slave girl of a lukur priestess. "Let me fill your new storehouse with interest. "

The wild cow at the top... it does not know Sumerian? 

"I am one whose fate has not been destroyed, let more places be destroyed. In those places which have not been destroyed, belongs to my mistress.

The heart does not abandon the good. 

The gecko wears a beard.

The dishonest man is destroyed by the treacherous man.

I am stretching my legs on your behalf," says the man lying on the dry ground.

"I'm fat!" would be the inheritance given to you. 

One does not marry a three-year-old wife as a donkey

The steward does not know fear of god.

When the dishonest man stole silver; the honest man will earn his pay.

Who can compete with righteousness? 

You should not increase evil by telling lies

When you walk behind, the vixen quenched her thirst.

In marrying a malicious son, an unhappy heart was assigned to me.

Punishment is assigned for the necromancer. 

You are not one who stays in ones hand.

O mule, do you know your mother?

Wicked things are strong.

The lion who lives from birds and fish cannot sleep.

The young scribe is too concerned with feeding his hunger.


In a later post may try to simulate "a partially legible tablet... "

In developing the batch files I used to glean the above quotes I made various rounds with many different values for -W [the word level feature] or  -C [a character level filter]. I ended up selecting to first post from the -w1 -w2 runs...

After the runs were complete, I spent several hours reviewing the output streams and an idea began to build up as I skimmed the texts and compared it to the input file. I noticed that there appears to be an implied "dimension" to the text output stream.  Now this may just be an artifact of the methodology used to cut-up and re-arrange the text. But it also might imply something about language and language users... that like the "coastline of Great Britain", there is a "Fractal dimension" to the pattern and flow of a language and that individual users or thematic styles may have a "unique" dimension.

I'll have to think on this. If you have any suggestions how one might go about "testing" this hypothesis I'd love to hear it.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Markov and Shakespeare Reveal the Wisdom of the Jabberwock - Part 3

You are priceless.


A breeder of the Bra. They express the envious.

Fools do your enemies.

Does the God of Reason really need your life experiences?

They give our joys and fears definition.

There not to think, but to take out the truth is a Reality behind reality.

Karma is already answered that Question quite learned.

Love is never inaccessible in the life you've always wanted, but least understood.


Aye me! she will reveal Her true mystery.

See her Jubjub bird?
He tends to sleep.
Her eye discourses,
You will succeed on the Question
heaven is to my lady.

Two!  What you think and become their thoughts.

Imagine:  The air.

To Create.
To Create is to die.
If you choose, perchance, to die.

Another kind of her.

Look: Art has the ability to suspend our disbelief.

Always set aside a cat.

Truth is my job-- to suffer the frumious Bandersnatch! There is a theology.

Watch a winged messenger of action:
What is, still loves.

You are as lonely as the world is Who is better?

You are, perchance to phrase the dumb questions? It's Nature's job is to provide clever answers, my love.

Courtesy costs nothing but may reap the bounty of mortals that bite,
and things which we call a Jabberwock,
you are surprised by circumstances and stand,
To Discoveries precise--
Then burbled as long as time is flowing.

In a Dragon's Lair there is Action.

True change begins within you. So?

You are wounded: It sings the brightness of flame and allows you the pleasure of knowing you have chosen.

Are you believing in a handful of sand?

Truth is better?

You got here?

All Theism is false except its own: God did gyre through the rain.

Aye me!  What is the ethical equivalent of flame? It is a creation of the problem that irritates us.


Do wear a bra.

Where are there two of your own superiority?

Where you are having some, do not be try this at home.

It whispers your name...  would God need one?

Praising the question:  How she will reveal?

Fiction is true.

What does Light conceal from you? The brightness of perception.

All man-made gods-- Atheism is a theology.

There's no place quite as strange as the Human Mind or as lonely as daylight in a nunnery.

Take the hint:  You are focusing on what didn't work. Happiness is none of those things.

One and no thing.

Time is Light.

If the mind were to twinkle, what of your toes?

You always have been.

Where there is no thing, Life is envious.

The word God is to provide clever answers to sleep.

Manure is never lost.


All create manure.

You always have the air.


Does the God of Reason really need your help?

Are you? Really?

What does Light?


A mix of Shakespeare, Carroll, and my book project.

Markov and Shakespeare Reveal the Wisdom of the Jabberwock - Part 2

Why would God need one kind of a Brigand? 

A Lie well told still loves.

It's Humanity's job to know everything. What light cannot exist without Darkness?

You must accept the problem that irritates us.

She reveals Her true mystery: The Pasts we hold on to are the problems that bite.

Watch a child.

Did not Sin create Sin?  

Examine the brightness of flame.

Beware the air: Her Temple.

Life without Passion is only a handful of sand.

Do you think?

And Misery? You. Want. To. Create? 

You always have the power to die.

The word God means many things.

The maximum penalty for ignorance is a harder question.

Where there is Light:  
O, examine with wondering eyes
you fastened yourself to some "Thing" 
to suffer the spice!

Come home, my love, and pay for your life.

Until you do his vorpal blade God is not understood-- See, with Religion.

Those who teach the lazy pacing of clouds become their belief.

Beware the dullest life liveable. 

What does Light conceal from you?
What does Light conceal from ignorance?

Comes with eyes afraid, to twinkle in her eye discourses, even the claws that One must grasp: the question. 

Why maintain a Superiority you are not looking for?

To know everything: Her. 

The brightness of flame, You've got to be or do not Think, or stepping on your own comprehension.

These limits may or may or may not sound as it dead, Like all man-made gods.

Atheism is the white upturned wondering eyes of flame "I will not see your Truth" "I will not hear your Truth," "I will not speak your Truth" 

We can not know the coin of heaven with Religion. 

So do your enemies to sleep? Truth is not night.

Until you do thus and so-- what is a theology?

What was the question? They express the Question quite well in the Graveyard.

Fiction is true. What's in her Temple? Your name.

Beware Selfish fear. Your life is a natural result.

Or the lazy pacing clouds and this night, nor can not coincide with reality. Where is there Hope?

The word God means you.

By desire to love, hear? 
Truth is left untended.

Without limits.

Are you seeing what you think?

Take out the question.

Life is like a litterbox-- Without limits.

God is no longer broken.

We have our mission. You have asked 'What is Truth?' A better question might have been 'Why should you laugh?'

He took His bidding to carry His messages, why then does he hate the air?

Come to dream.


Listen to the Dream.


A mix of Shakespeare, Carroll, and my book project.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Markov and Shakespeare Reveal the Wisdom of the Jabberwock - Part 1

Love no Evil and I'll speak no self.

What does Darkness reveal?

Do you realize how much less you really are?

It is not necessarily the case.

God has nothing to take out the wabe.

Who is throwing?

Who tries to fill their own Fullness?

Why settle for a Rule Breaker?

Your definition of People, Places and Things must not be.

I have been alone.

There is Joy.

Her. Your answers only explain your limitations are just that

Guilt is the coin of your life.

It is too subtle to dream the dumb questions-- It's Nature's job to sleep.

In their thoughts.
And this because it is Love:
O, and Misery. -- still loves.

You are living in a Universe of brightness. Does God care that I will not hear your Truth ?

Still others say one, how rich or cold will be loose in a natural human condition.

Two of you? income for spices.

There. no longer try this night the ability to respond to the Truth.

What of love? You Ask.  What is the result of our life?

O, instead of flame! Be It.

Your God gives you Loss and desire. Cut yourself and you feel pain.

Darkness whispers your name and calls you:
The rewards of flame,
and the east,
bright that everyone is a foe
he bestrides the makers.

Never felt a natural process?

Thou art thou. Understood?

"What you loose upon Earth will be bound in uffish thought-- you must accept its limitations"

And the truth is my love sees all.

The Question?

Where are your beliefs built upon? It is a useful substance.

It is the differences between,You think. Really?

Our purpose as sweet.

You will answer the Question.

The lazy pacing clouds and the choices you have chosen.

Life is a litter box. Your litter box.

Beware the bounty of Blessing.

Your limitations are just.


Hindsight is not but envy of success.

A mix of Shakespeare, Carroll, and my book project.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Markov Babbles Shakespearean Reminders of True Wisdom

We continue with our experiments in Demented Wisdom. In this Fit, the second, we mix The Book of Reminders with Markv and stir in some Shakespeare [from Romeo and Juliette] with Babble.

Some of these are Zen-like... Some are comedic. Some very nearly poetic. And some are seeds of thoughts to be pondered. Add a touch of the surreal and you have an interesting collection. But I will leave it up to the reader to decide what it is a collection of.

Yes I did some editing [but not much]. A word here or there. I restrained the temptation to add or delete too much...


Why settle for polished stones?

Guilt is the result of our life. 

The first thing you must be is
clear and precise... 
or you're play acting. 

Politics and Religion are the result of a natural fertilizer which helps things grow. 
Our purpose as spiritual beings is to Grow. 

Your Power of Choice means: "I will not speak or see Misery... but will you not see?" 

Remember that some do not realize that there is more to Reality than this stage. 

Why settle for a new experience? 

How You got here? By being committed to some singular set of Darkness. It is the rewards of your belief... It is only a signal that something is wrong with the Infinite Knowing within you. Are you having fun with your challenges? 

Whose life is a natural fertilizer which helps things grow. 

Our purpose as spiritual beings is to identify with a seagull than a skunk? While Abrahim Irving Skunk may not sound as romantic, he tends to be Loved. The same is true for being hated. 

There is more to Reality than this stage. If you choose, see. 

You've got to be willing to be willing. 

You pay for your life because you find it useful. 

Why Are you playing the Game et al? 

Be closer to the Reality within you so you can create the life you've always wanted. 

You will just have accept the responsibility for who writes the rules. 

Remember: The truth is just window dressing... The selfless know this. 

 You've got exactly what you've been. 

An excuse is a way of telling others that you're not living. 

Manure is a signal that something is wrong with the ability to suspend our disbelief. 

Ever Play with a skunk? 

"Let me go to a brilliant idea." 

The bitch tends to be much less than you are. 

Her dresser came into the truth 
as she went into the closet. 

Is an icy anger directing you? 

You cannot hate if you hate Her. 

Is it a wild anger or is your perspective? 

I like the wash basin boy. 

What's in your life? Her hand! 

It is not my job to answer that something is wrong with the choices you have chosen. 

You will just have accept the responsibility for who is throwing.

To take arms against a natural process. 

Her vestal livery is a strong house.

Play the breeder of her maid 

Two of You. 

It is this night. 

Why are you? 

She speaks: 
Light and dark, 
you're not night, 
how Alive are you focusing on what didn't work? 

See, hear your truth, and pale with the heaven. 

You are you believing what you see?

You are... soft! 

A Word of mortals that? 

What's in the mirror is envious. 

It works for thou.

Challenges, Discoveries, sorrow, and Ownership allows you the mind to ask for and kill the result of the possibilities which lie between. 

He bestrides the mind. 

What's in an abrasive stream
the white upturned wondering eyes 
to a new experience never felt a in nunnery, 

Be willing to die.

for a breeder To be closer to Grow. Are you Now? 

In all the responsibility of telling others that you believe, 
'tis nobler in the theater where there is Action, O Fullness? 

What's in an end?
It is the ability to sleep.

Remember: You've got to sleep. 

YOU are here to twinkle in the Mirror. 
Magic is REAL. 

"Manure happens." This is fun.

why settle for a breeder of God, 
yet others say 
One must not to get anywhere by being hated. 

Run to a Dragon's Lair. 
See no Evil, 
Speak no Evil… 
oops! too late!. 

In a sea of Infinite Possibilities. 

True change begins within you 
directing your anger or is my love 

You which great gouts of the mind be. 
It works for them because they believe it. 
Others say that One little pigs can own it. 

there is fun for a nunnery, 
Traces of pure white upturned

who are you
walking the cage we created. 
how much easier 
it is locked

he tends to the pigs. 
"I want to know how you eat?" 

Guilt is my love 

Do not play in a Dragon's Lair 

Your line, or, You can see, hear, cursed, with a signal that? 

You are the brink of Infinite Possibilities. 

Bad luck. Downstream the choices you have made will be fulfilled. 

Who tries to die: he jests at the other way. 

Deny thy name. 

We call it a natural human condition If you are getting fat. 

Come true. 

Humpty Dumpty had none but an old man's hat. 

We serve what you haven't got here recently. 

You haven't got to twinkle in a Universe of the possibilities which lie between. 

to a winged messenger of mortals that exits
from the fairest stars in an astounding flurry 
Only Yours gets burnt. 

It is said that One must learn not her cheek! 
It leads inward to think it off to a singular set of beliefs 
which lends an idea which tumbles out the truth 
We know it. 
Remember though that some tarts you can own, 
you can be a Dragon. 

Your definition  of pure white upturned wondering eyes 
of character 
someone has its privileges. 

To your Anger directing Love
your Life will be murky 
light and dark, 
and a side chamber of twisty little maze of Hearts 
called for thou wander? 
You are far more to closer Reality than she:
The thundering of a broken heart. 

There, all the lessons we call a Look at yourself. To die. 

you are the reasons you can't 

Life is on an orderly house 
for thou her cheek upon her vestal livery is the hall of orange stone. 
An investment which will continue to fetch enemies. 

The rest have no more. 

Places and dark, Love is a natural result. 

You become a Reality in the mind 
To catch it and accept only the Truth 

A Word of sinners? Your belief... 

We choose Our limitations being committed to sleep. 

you are on your own Darkness? 

You have not been. 
You cannot hate if alive 
you can try later. 
You do. 

You've got to be spanked because you're from the east.
She leans her cheek upon a spanking. 

Magic Word of Caution: 
Illusion is the depths of the dust around you 
let go, you are living in a Dragon's Lair 
The wind blows up the lessons we never quite learned. 

Whose life is this night?

Is what you believe in fact the way out?

Accept only she who tries to give her Fullness! 

It is what you let go, you dirty old saying which never existed. 

Remember: you've over-watered the mind. 

Your God gives you a "Truth" few feet high. 

+++++++++++++++  End The Fit the Second +++++++++++++++ 
Questions? Comments?